You may have noticed that the SEC has been very quiet on the rulemaking front in recent weeks. It comes as no surprise, as action on a number of items on the SEC’s Regulatory Flexibility Agenda had been moved from late 2024 to early 2025. (The cynic in me wonders whether the scheduling changes resulted from concerns that accusations of over-regulation would impact the 2024 election cycle, but – for now, at least – I’ll leave that to others.)
However, the SEC has definitely not been idle. Quite the contrary. In fact, recent weeks have seen what strikes me as an inordinate number of announcements of enforcement actions. Some of these actions are relatively “standard” – insider trading, recordkeeping violations, securities fraud, whistleblower protection violations (discussed in our recent e-alert), and so on. But others are somewhat unusual. For example:Continue Reading Law and Order: SEC