To our readers:
As you may have noticed, this week we launched a new feature for The Securities Edge. We call our new feature “Bob’s Upticks,” which will be authored by our very own Bob Lamm. We are excited to add this new “blog within a blog” and to share Bob’s extensive and deep securities and corporate governance knowledge with you!
While The Securities Edge has always strived to provide deeper analysis on some of the most important issues of the day, Bob’s Upticks will use shorter posts and will focus on keeping you up to speed on the weekly changes in the securities and corporate governance world. When Bob was the Chairman of the Securities Law Committee for the Society of Corporate Secretaries and Governance Professionals, we all looked forward to receiving Bob’s weekly updates. With Bob’s Upticks, our readers get the same opportunity! You can even subscribe separately to the RSS feed for Bob’s Upticks.
Please drop us a note to let us know what you think.